Lightweight Tarps & Economy Tarpaulins

Economy Tarpaulins

When the tank farm in a chemical company needs temporary protection from the elements before they are shipped by truck, rail or ship, it's more economical to make use of Economy tarpaulins than to build a complete shelter. The same is true of most industrial plants where product or equipment protection is a problem. Companies that require outdoor storage such as masonry, gardening equipment, swimming pool fabricators and heavy agricultural equipment, benefit from using tarpaulins.

The Convenience of Economy Tarpaulins

The reason why Economy Tarpaulins are so popular in large industrial areas is convenience. No forklift equipment is needed to transport bulky materials indoors. One less common use for tarpaulins is in commercial hot houses and in composting industries. In hot houses, Economy Tarpaulins protect plants and blooms for overexposure to sunlight as well as from lower temperatures. Tarpaulins are the perfect means of creating composting materials in a cleaner, more protective way. Simply use the tarpaulin as a cover for the composting pile and it will retain enough heat to begin the composting process.

Tarpaulins In The Pollution Industries

Modern methods of reducing pollution often require biodegradeable destruction of contaminants. The media used to reduce pollution in industrial plants require various types of organic materials, i.e., cedar, salt hay and humus to deactivate contaminants. These organic materials must be stored outdoors on the organic material supplier's property. Protecting them is quick, convenient and cost-effective when tarpaulins are used as a cover.

Economy Tarpaulins And The Auto Repair Industry

In the auto repair, auto body and auto painting industries, Economy Tarpaulin help keep the elements from seeping into vehicles or from destroying a rewelding of auto parts or fresh painting. In these situations, a sudden rain shower could ruin parts as well as the finish on vehicles. Just pull the Economy Tarpaulins over the vehicle and it remains dry and safe from exposure.

Economy Tarpaulins Used By Industry

In many industries where there is a fine mist from the industrial process that escapes into the air, tarpaulins are spread around the perimeter of the plant's industrial area to protect workers from unnecessary inhalation of fumes and mists. Economy Tarpaulins used by industry in these cases help maintain safe work places and compliance with regulatory statutes. There is one other industry that uses tarpaulins for a very different reason: to reclaim precious metals lost in the melting process. Economy Tarpaulins catch the fine metals which are then recycled.



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